Mission 4: Perception

Mission 4: Perception


In this book, Chris pays a visit to Machu Picchu in Peru! There he meets Mr Many Views, Quiet Eduardo and River Banksy and begins to understand that before he judges people he needs to accept that different people can perceive the same situation in all sorts of different ways. Are you ready for an adventure that could change your life forever?

The Cuppa Missions ‘Mission Statement’: To teach children the confident mindset -- self-belief, self-esteem, persistence, positivity, empathy and emotional resilience.

Each mission is packed with amazing characters, fun tests, activities and challenging adventures!



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Join CUPPA and Katy on their journey in this collection of books, written to grow the mindsets of young children and promote positivity, self esteem, confidence, resilience and empathy.
© 2021 Ross McWilliam
website byJForth
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